Server Rules

Management Whitelisted Member
Aug, 2024
Welcome To Second City Roleplay.

Characters must be unique and possess distinct traits. Upon entering the city, they should have no knowledge of worldly events or of the other residents. All actions must be purposeful; random acts or events outside of your character's story are not allowed. Interactions should primarily facilitate other people's roleplay. The expectation is to prioritize words and player-to-player interaction over forceful means such as weapons.

- Players must follow Terms of Service (TOS) at all times. Click to view them.
-Toxicity or promoting toxic behavior on any platform (including Twitch, Reddit, Discord, etc.) will lead to immediate removal from the community. This includes targeting, bullying, or engaging in toxic behavior. Comments that do not promote a positive, inclusive environment, including racism, sexism, homophobia, politics, suicide, or self-harm, are strictly prohibited.
-Absolutely no sharing of another person's private information or making threats. No intimidating or continuously harassing players for out-of-character reasons. Show respect there will be no valid justification for OOC bullying. Please keep in mind we are all here to have fun.

Basic Interaction Rules:
-Character names must be realistic and free from any sexual or political connotations. Additionally, they must adhere to the terms of service.
-Sexual, torture, or extremely gross roleplay is allowed ONLY if all parties involved have agreed to it out of character and not in a public area. If you ever feel uncomfortable during the roleplay, you have the option to stop and leave. Acts such as rape and non-consensual touching are strictly prohibited.
-Absolutely no intentional baiting of law enforcement or emergency services, stealing of their vehicles, or robbing/kidnapping of individuals. It is possible to hold them up without robbing them.
-Players breaking the rules will not stop the roleplay. If you have an issue with a player, you must submit a report in-game or on the forums. All players must remain in character unless an administrator says otherwise. Local out-of-character chat should only be used if absolutely necessary.
-All reports must be professional and free of toxicity. Submit reports on the forums within 48 hours of the incident.

Metagaming refers to using external information within a game to gain an unfair advantage.
-External communications, including Discord, must be relayed in character for RP.
-Absolutely no discussions outside the city should have any impact on your actions within the city.
-Character actions should not be influenced by viewing "screenshots" or "recordings" of other players unless obtained through roleplay.
-Watching other players' live streams while actively engaged in roleplay scenarios is not allowed.

Power gaming is defined as forcing players down a single path with no other options within roleplay. Examples of this may be defined as…
-Robbing players at a bank and forcing them to turn over all of their money.
-Killing players who have complied with your demands.
-Forcing players to perma-death.
-Dropping unconscious players off in a location not accessible to emergency services.

Out of Character:
Players are never permitted to go Out of Character while in-game.
-Use of voice chat in game is strictly in character.
-The use of /ooc chat should be an absolute minimum. General discussion is not permitted in OOC.
Notifications of game-breaking mechanics or actions affecting roleplay are proper uses of OOC chat. (character is invisible / car is bugged or glitched)

Deathmatching (RDM/VDM):
No killing without a valid roleplay reason (deathmatching). Unnecessary provoking and terrorism are strictly forbidden.
-Shooting, injuring or killing another player without proper means of roleplay.
-Using firearms or other lethal methods, such as vehicles, should only occur after a proper initiation involving conversation.
-No recognizable reason to reference for your players actions.
-You initiate a physical altercation with two unarmed individuals and proceed to use a firearm, resulting in their deaths.

Robbing is taking someone’s possessions (money/items, etc.) by force or threat of force. Scamming is offering a good or service and then refusing to pay or provide it. Robberies and scams must be strictly done in character.
-Always ensure that you have a valid reason for robbing someone based on character knowledge. Simply seeing them outside a large house is not enough. Remember, there will be consequences for poor escalation.
-Players should not attempt to force others to withdraw money from an ATM. It's important to refrain from using script commands to coerce another player to sell their vehicle during a robbery. Additionally, it's essential to remember not to pressure others into handing over assets that aren’t present in the area.
-Absolutely no killing is allowed during a robbery, unless provoked. Instruct a player to "put their hands up" or "don't move" only if you are planning to rob them, not if you are planning to kill them.
-No player is allowed to scam for more than $20,000. They have the ability to rob all the cash you are carrying. It's imperative that you avoid carrying around $20,000 unless you are willing to lose it.
-Players are not able to commit a robbery while driving a luxury, high-end, or sports car.
-Looting people who are dead is forbidden.
-You may not rob a player while they are performing a scripted job on the server.
-You may not Rob/Scam a player inside of a greenzone.
-Using out of character knowledge such as knowing out of character who has a weapon and where someone lives is forbidden and you will face punishment for metagaming.

New Life Rule:
When your character is downed and respawns at the hospital, they must forget the immediate events leading up to being downed in the current scenario. Under no circumstances are you allowed to return to the area of your death for at least 15 minutes or attempt to retrieve lost possessions from other involved players. Furthermore, if your character is killed, you are strictly prohibited from creating a new character and seeking revenge for your deceased character. Additionally, if you are advised that police or EMS is on the way to your scene, you are not allowed to respawn. It is imperative to try and contact some form of medical help while incapacitated.

Third Party Modifications:
-Using any type of game modification or software that gives a player an advantage over another player.
-Modifying the client side to gain an advantage is also considered a breach of the rule. Client side modding for aesthetic purposes is allowed, but it should never change the function of anything in-game.
-Third person field of view (FOV) modifications are forbidden and should not be used. First person FOV modifications are allowed.
-The following modifications are not allowed: mods, trainers, crosshairs, tracers, flawless widescreen (3rd person POV), and unlimited stamina modifications.

Abuse of Game Physics:
-Grand Theft Auto Five physics and movements in-game are hardcoded and cannot be changed via scripting so the following is forbidden to avoid non-roleplay situations:
-Bunnyhopping (I.e: jumping while running around to gain speed in a situation)
-Spam Punching (I.e: spam clicking mouse 1 in a fight and not giving someone a chance to react).
-Combat Rolling (I.e: rolling in a shootout, etc.)
-Olympic Swimming (I.e: swimming without roleplay any exhaustion)
-Abuse of jobs (I.e: spawning a job vehicle to evade police, etc).
-Abusing emote cancelation to avoid falling, produce spam punching, etc.

A no crime zone is an area where player(s) may not commit any crimes. If the player that you’re attacking flees to a safezone then the roleplay is allowed to continue.
  1. Spawn Locations
  2. City Hall, Any Government Offices, Law Enforcement Offices, Hospitals, Car Dealerships, Banks, the Department of Motor Vehicles, The Country Club.
  3. Los Angeles International Airport.
  4. Parking Garages & Impound Lots.
  5. Clothing Stores, Tattoo Shops, Barber Shops - Inside Only.
  6. Player Owned Businesses. (The sidewalks and parking lots connected to the businesses are also intended to be green zones - only when the business is open)
  7. Server Events - excluding Block Parties & House Parties. (Block Parties & House Parties will never be greenzones, even if promoted).
  8. Movie Theatres & Bowling Alleys - Inside Only.
  9. The Diamond Casino - parking lot included.
  10. Gym - inside.

Moreover Common Courtesy:
Let's remember to treat others with respect and uphold the rules with integrity. We should strive to maintain a positive and fulfilling roleplay experience for all.
-Quitting the game to avoid roleplay (combat logging) You will be banned.
-Avoiding roleplay.
-Roleplay your injuries.
-No asset transferring.
-Disregarding an administrators.
-Remember: Any roleplay lacking proper buildup or a valid reason for an attack can result in punishment.
-If you discover a bug or exploit on any of our services, it is mandatory to report it. Any attempt to exploit or use it will lead to a permanent ban. You must also report any individuals found breaking this rule.
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